The software-development of IIS has partly been possible
through a 20% position over 6 months at the university of Tromso, the
department of virology, under Ugo Moens. The gel images presented in
this manual were made
by Nina Anensen in cooperation with Bjorn Tore Gjertsen. Both
researched P53 in connection with hematological malignacies. Bruno
Laeng and Line Saether supported this software through valueable
discussion and provision of image samples for the face morphing. The
remainder of the work is
personal investment.
CopyLeft / License
IIS, Gelsignal and PsyTrack are release under the GPL, with one clear
restriction: the software cannot be functionally
extended with closed source implementations. For instance 'binary only'
plugins are not allowed. The software and all it modules can be used
free of charge in academic
environments, given that the use of the software is acknowledged
through by referring to the following paper (in case of gelsignal):
Werner Van Belle, Nina
Anensen, Ingvild Haaland, Oystein Bruserud, Kjell-Arild Hogda, Bjorn
Tore Gjertsen; Correlation Analysis of two-dimensional gel
electrophoretic protein patterns and biological variables; BMC
Bioinformatics 2007(7)198; April 2006; This paper is online at Or in case of PsyTrack: Line Sæther, Werner Van Belle, Bruno Laeng, Tim Brennen, Øvervoll Morten; Anchoring gaze when categorizing faces sex: Evidence from eye-tracking data; Vision Research; Elsevier; Editor(s) Cristopher W. Tyler; August 2009. This paper is of course not online due to copyright restrictions.
Bug Reports / Support
For specific support actions or donations, please contact Werner Van
Belle ( or Demonstrations
and courses of the software can be obtained from the same source.
Bug reports should be filed at the IIS bug tracker.