
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "parser.h"
00002 #include "refs.h"
00003 #include "vars.h"
00004 #include "value.h"
00005 #include "text.h"
00006 #include "ranges.h"
00007 #include "refs.h"
00009 ParseText::ParseText(QString text)
00010 {
00011   fulltext=NULL;
00012   currptr = NULL;
00013   expression = NULL;
00014   parse(text);
00015 };
00017 void ParseText::parse(QString text)
00018 {
00019   initText(text);
00020   expression = parse();
00021 }
00023 Value * ParseText::properVarType(QString tokentext)
00024 {
00025   // can we parse a location from it ?
00026   int c,r;
00027   bool ac,ar;
00028   int i;
00029   if ((i=tokentext.find(':'))>=0)
00030     {
00031       printf("%s\n",(const char*)tokentext.left(i));
00032       printf("%s\n",(const char*)tokentext.mid(i+1));
00033       bool res = getLocation(tokentext.left(i),c,r,ac,ar);
00034       assert(res);
00035       Reference * a= new Reference(c,r,ac,ar);
00036       res = getLocation(tokentext.mid(i+1),c,r,ac,ar);
00037       assert(res);
00038       Reference * b= new Reference(c,r,ac,ar);
00039       return new Range(a,b);
00040     }
00041   if (getLocation(tokentext,c,r,ac,ar))
00042     return new Reference(c,r,ac,ar);
00043   return new Variable(tokentext);
00044 }
00046 bool ParseText::getLocation(QString text, int &C, int &R, bool &absolute_column, bool& absolute_row)
00047 {
00048   const char * t = text;
00049   const char * c = t;
00050   int column;
00051   int row;
00052   // column
00053   if (absolute_column=(*c=='$')) c++;
00054   column = 0;
00055   while(*c && !isdigit(*c) && *c!='$') 
00056     {
00057       column=column*26+toupper(*c)-'A';
00058       c++;
00059     }
00060   // row
00061   if (absolute_row=(*c=='$')) c++;
00062   row = 0;
00063   while(*c && isdigit(*c) && *c!='$') 
00064     {
00065       row=row*10+toupper(*c)-'0';
00066       c++;
00067     }
00068   // put out result
00069   C=column;
00070   R=row;
00071   return true;
00072 }
00074 Value * ParseText::parse()
00075 {
00076   Token t = token();
00077   printf("%d\n",t);
00078   switch (t)
00079     {
00080     case text: return new TextValue(tokentext);
00081     case var: return properVarType(tokentext);
00082     case openexpr: 
00083       {
00084         t = token();
00085         if (t!=var)
00086           throw new ParseError("Operand is no operator");
00087         Expression * result = new Expression(tokentext);
00088         Value * arg=NULL;
00089         while((arg=parse()))
00090           result->add(arg);
00091         return result;
00092       }
00093     case closeexpr: return NULL;
00094     case eof: throw new ParseError("Unexpected end of line");
00095     };
00096   throw new ParseError("Unexpected token");
00097   return NULL;
00098 }
00100 void ParseText::initText(QString text)
00101 {
00102   if (fulltext) free(fulltext);
00103   fulltext=strdup(text);
00104   currptr = fulltext;
00105   printf("To parse: %s\n",fulltext);
00106   expression = NULL;
00107 }
00109 ParseText::Token ParseText::token()
00110 {
00111   if (!currptr) return eof;
00112   // remove whitespace)
00113   while(*currptr && isspace(*currptr)) currptr++;
00114   if (!*currptr) return eof;
00115   // check for the kind of token
00116   switch(*currptr)
00117     {
00118     case '(': currptr++; return openexpr;
00119     case ')': currptr++; return closeexpr;
00120     case '"': currptr++; return string_to('"');
00121     case '\'': currptr++; return string_to('\'');
00122     }
00123   bool d = isdigit(*currptr);
00124   text_to();
00125   if (d) return text;
00126   return var;
00127 }
00129 bool ParseText::seperator(unsigned char c)
00130 {
00131   return c==0 || c==' ' || c=='(' || c=='\'' || c=='"' || c==')';
00132 }
00134 ParseText::Token ParseText::string_to(unsigned char c)
00135 {
00136   char result[500];
00137   int i = 0;
00138   while(*currptr && *currptr!=c)
00139     result[i++]=*(currptr++);
00140   if(*currptr==c) currptr++;
00141   result[i]=0;
00142   tokentext=result;
00143   return text;
00144 }
00146 void ParseText::text_to()
00147 {
00148   char result[500];
00149   int i = 0;
00150   while(!seperator(*currptr))
00151     result[i++]=*(currptr++);
00152   result[i]=0;
00153   tokentext=result;
00154 }

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